The premier text serving the emerging Quantitative Reasoning/Literacy Course, as well as an alternative approach for Liberal Arts/Survey Math. It provides a legitimate alternative for non-quantitative majors, helping to reduce math anxiety and emphasizing practicality. It’s the mathematics you need for college, career, and life.
Click here to see the powerpoint slides for my talk: General Education Mathematics. Are you teaching students what they really need?
Praise for Using and Understanding Mathematics
“This textbook’s practical focus and arsenal of interesting problems should put an end to the piteous question, ‘but whyyyyy do we have to learn this stuff?,’ once and for all.” — Book News
“I bought this book over a year ago for a class I had to take. I would have to say that this book is the best learning tool I have been able to use in understanding mathematics. I was diagnosed with a math disability. This book has helped me with this disability. I am able to understand concepts and apply my understanding of those concepts. It has given me a self confidence I didn’t think I would ever have. I have tried other texts and found them to be either to general in their knowledge or poor in their use of the english language. I found this book to be very descriptive and helps the student to paint a picture of what problems they may face in the world of mathematics. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has had a hard time with spatial ability. The detailed step by step process is wonderful. It covers an array of subjects. I still use it to help me through other classes. I have found it to be the only book detailed enough to teach me properly. It is the best college book I have ever had to buy. I really have gotten my dollars worth out of it.” — Student review posted on Amazon.com